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El archivo

Esta plataforma contiene colecciones de literatura publicada e inédita y recursos multimedia/digitales de miembros de la comunidad afroamericana de musicoterapia junto con temas relevantes que afirman la personalidad y los mundos de vida negros dentro de la teoría, la educación, la práctica y la investigación de la musicoterapia. Puede encontrar enlaces a artículos, libros, capítulos, comentarios, música, presentaciones, homenajes, tesis de grado y posgrado, videos y más. Si desea agregar un recurso a esta colección, complete el  Formulario de envío de recursos de archivo de BMTN.

Nota: Esta plataforma se encuentra actualmente EN CONSTRUCCIÓN. Si bien puede ver, ordenar y acceder a enlaces de recursos, la herramienta de la barra de búsqueda se está reconfigurando actualmente para aumentar la funcionalidad del usuario.  Estén atentos a las actualizaciones.

Cuéntenos más sobre usted. Seleccione todas las que correspondan.

Group Inclusion Statement

All participants in BMTN Online Courses are automatically added to the community learning platform where you can connect with course participants. Participation on this platform is not required. 

BMTN Cancellation & Refund Policy 

Registrants are eligible for a full refund when notification of cancellation is received 7 days prior to the event date. If notification is less than 7 days before the event, we will offer a 50% refund. If BMTN cancels due to unforeseeable circumstances then a full refund if we are unable to reschedule the course. Special circumstances will be evaluated on an individual basis. All participants, for any course given by BMTN, are entitled to a refund if they believe the course content did not meet the objectives outlined.

BMTN Grievance Policy

As approved providers with the Certification Board for Music Therapist (CBMT), all participants of any Continuing Music Therapy Education (CMTE) course provided by BMTN have the right to file a grievance. If a participant wants to file a grievance, they can email us at We will respond to the grievance in writing with solutions to address the situation as deemed necessary by BMTN’s continuing education committee and the parties filing the grievance. We will aim to resolve all grievances within 45 days. In the event BMTN is unable to resolve the grievance for a CMTE, then the participant has a right to appeal the grievance decision within 60 days. All participants have the right to seek further assistance and consultation with the Continuing Education Committee at CBMT to seek further resolution for the grievance.

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