Gudunmawa & Tallafawa
tallafin kudi don ci gaba da aikin
Kuna so ku ku tallafawa ƙoƙarinmu? Kowace kyauta ta kuɗi da muke samu tana haɓaka manufar Black Music Therapy Network, Inc. don tallafawa lafiya da jin daɗin al'ummomin Baƙar fata ta hanyar kiɗa. Danna maɓallin gudummawar da ke ƙasa don ƙaddamar da kyautar ku na lokaci ɗaya na kowane adadin. BMTN 501(c)(3) ce kuma gudummawar ba za a cire haraji ba. Muna godiya don karimcin goyon bayanku da shirye-shiryen ku don taimaka mana cimma burinmu.

BMTN na maraba da kyaututtukan ku na yau da kullun yayin da muke ci gaba da fadada tasirin tasirin mu don haɗa ƙarin shirye-shiryen da ke ƙara tallafawa aikin mu. Kudaden da aka tara za su tafi ne zuwa ga tallafin karatu na BMTN, shirye-shiryen da suka shafi al'umma, da kuma ci gaba da aikin BMTN yayin da muke kokarin samar da ingantacciyar kulawa a tsakanin al'ummomin da muke yi wa hidima. A matsayin 501(c)(3), ba za a cire gudummawar haraji ba. Da fatan za a zaɓi maɓallin bayar da gudummawa, shigar da tallafin da ake so kowane wata, sannan duba akwatin bayar da gudummawar kowane wata.

Fiscal sponsorship is a legal relationship through which a 501(c)3 public charitable organization sponsors an individual or group that requires the benefits of the tax-exempt and legal status of the sponsoring organization to realize a project. Artists often need this tax-exempt status to apply for grants (since most foundations require it to distribute funding) or to fundraise from individuals who prefer to be able to claim their financial contributions as deductions on their taxes.
Are you desiring fiscal sponsorship? BMTN offers grant-specific fiscal sponsorship to fund artist-led projects by an individual, teams, or collective. BMTN accepts grants and tax-exempt donations on behalf of the project and then distributes those funds to the project. The individual, team or collective is responsible for their own accounting and bookkeeping for those funds. We do not assume any legal or fiduciary responsibility for the project.
This sponsorship does not offer tax-deductible status for external contributions through a crowdfunding platform or fundraising events. The fee for grant specific fiscal sponsorship is 7% of your grant or gift amounts.